Just bought a 1992 gas g8. Runs but not as it should. First when I drove it it seemed fine. Then it seemed sluggish. When I put it in reverse it took off with full power and ran great. When put in forward it was sluggish and did not have the top rpm range it should.
Changed spark plug, cleaned carb. With no change. Started looking around and moving wires when it was running on jack stands and I got a shock. Found the ground cable that is behind the fan and hooked in with the pulse coil was burnt off. Replaced ground cable and pulse coil wire. No change. Unbolted reverse buzzer micro switch and ran cart on jack stands. Cart runs sluggish with switch depressed. If you let the switch go the buzzer goes off and it runs a lot faster and pepier. Depress the switch and it slows down.
Removed wire harness and checked all wires, but no problem found. Unplugged micro switch and cart runs sluggish. Don't know what to do. Added more ground cables but no change. Thinking about changing the pulse coil because the ground by it was melted and maybe it is damaged and shorting out. Ohms are 360 but don't know the spec for new one. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Changed spark plug, cleaned carb. With no change. Started looking around and moving wires when it was running on jack stands and I got a shock. Found the ground cable that is behind the fan and hooked in with the pulse coil was burnt off. Replaced ground cable and pulse coil wire. No change. Unbolted reverse buzzer micro switch and ran cart on jack stands. Cart runs sluggish with switch depressed. If you let the switch go the buzzer goes off and it runs a lot faster and pepier. Depress the switch and it slows down.
Removed wire harness and checked all wires, but no problem found. Unplugged micro switch and cart runs sluggish. Don't know what to do. Added more ground cables but no change. Thinking about changing the pulse coil because the ground by it was melted and maybe it is damaged and shorting out. Ohms are 360 but don't know the spec for new one. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.