I recently purchase an 2009 EZGO RXV and was told upfront it needed new batteries. Prior to each attempt at using the cart the Powerwise QE charger has a solid green light stating I have a full charge. I have purchased new batteries and the cart will run fine until I switch the ignition/directional control to off. I will have only run the cart for maybe a 1/4 mile before switching it to off. Once I move the switch from off to forward or reverse the cart fails to operate. I do not hear the click I normally hear as the solenoid engages or maybe its the motor brake releasing not sure. Tow/maintenance mode fails to work. If I charge the unit overnight, I get the same results the next day. Of noteworthiness is the following.[LIST=1][*]Strobe light and backup alarm were wired to the first battery in the series[*]I have to plug the DC connector into the cart amore than once sometimes. Get single flashing red light on charger
- 48 volt cart with 4 12 volt batteries