I'm getting prepared to paint my 2011 EZGO. I don't have access to an air gun, so I'll be using rattle cans. I think I have a handle on things, a big thanks to Master and the sticky post about plastic prep! Just to make sure I'm not about to do something dumb, how does this look:
-Scuff body; remove shine only
-Wipe down with wax and grease remover
-Primer (2-3 coats)
-Color (2-3 coats)
-Clear (2-3 coats)
-Buff with cutting compound
-Scuff body; remove shine only
Burgundy/maroon scotchbrite or 240-400 grit dry sand
-Wipe down with wax and grease remover
On with one rag, off with a fresh one-Bodywork (if needed)
Polyester based finishing putty
Sand with 240-320 grit dry
Wax and grease remover again-Adhesion promoter (1 coat)
-Primer (2-3 coats)
Usually 15-20 mins between coats
24-36 hours after final coat-Sand
240 if early coat, 400-600 grit if final coat-Clean with tack cloth
-Color (2-3 coats)
Usually 15-20 mins between coats
24-36 hours after final coat-Clean with tack cloth
-Clear (2-3 coats)
Usually 15-20 mins between coats
Wait 24-36 hours-1500-2000 wet sand
-Buff with cutting compound