I have been using info from this site for a long time and have had a lot of questions answered without asking a question. Thanks to all who share info so freely it is greatly appreciated.
I hope this is the right place to post a question about Cushman Trucksters?
My neighbor bought a 1985 48v Truckster without batteries and what looks like modified wiring. So before investing a lot we need to know how to test an 85 Cushman shunt wound motor to see if it runs.
Also any leads to wiring diagrams would be greatly appreciated.
I hope this is the right place to post a question about Cushman Trucksters?
My neighbor bought a 1985 48v Truckster without batteries and what looks like modified wiring. So before investing a lot we need to know how to test an 85 Cushman shunt wound motor to see if it runs.
Also any leads to wiring diagrams would be greatly appreciated.