now lately. These were new 8 volt batteries this last summer.This doesn't sound serious. i don't think.. My powerdrive battery charger, .I gets hooked up after each time- i use the cart..It gets put in the garage after each time i use it..I drive it in. It always went down to zero charge,in day or so. Lately! i have been watching the charger. It goes from higher rate of uncharged ...back down to a steady 3 amp charge, needle stops there.Never gets back to zero completely, Looked @ the batteries today. One of them has water laying on top of it.Out of one of the cells-water running acrossed it... One of the middle 2 batteries. I wiped off the top of the leaking one.Is this normal to happen or is one of these new batteries up on me already??:?....happy Memorial day all. If i can say it that way? bob s