03 CC 48 volt. PowerDrive Charger, pack voltage is 47.8 volts. AC power checks good. Plug in the charger to cart, after 10 seconds click, hum but no amps. Tried a second charger PowerDrive 2, and it does the same thing except the amp needle has a slight hiccup then sits on zero . plug looks good receptacle looks good. When the charger is on I get 53 volts with VOM hooked to pack positive and negative probe on fuse on receptacle. still only showing 47.8 pack voltage ,charger plugged in and on. Ammeter zero.
So is that enough to say bad OBC? I don't want to throw $300 at it and find out I missed something simple.
So is that enough to say bad OBC? I don't want to throw $300 at it and find out I missed something simple.