Ok I'm getting closer to finding my problem with this motor but still need help diagnosing and repair direction. I have a ezego eh29c pre MCI that has about 65 pounds of compression. It runs but is very hard to start and backfires occasionally. I have taken motor out and have the head off. I noticed a small oil leak where the head meets the block. There is a lot of built up dusty crusty dirt only in that location. Looking at the head gasket it doesn't appear to be blown through. Would it be and I just can't see it? Should I take it down further and replace rings? Bore over? Machine head? Cylinder bores look to be ok. I'm looking for some guidance. Upon looking at head and pulling valves I see that the seats are pitted and leaking by. Can I replace valves and lap new ones back in or is there a valve seat grinder available? Find a new head? which seem to be very pricey. What do I do?