Hello all! My brother in law just purchased a 2002 DS IQ 48v cart a couple days ago. Problem is when the "gas" pedal is pushed with the headlights on, they dim down to almost nothing. We went through it today tracing the wiring and testing voltage and here are the results: Found the lights wire back to a fuse block running off 2 batterys (16v). The meter shows 16v at the fuse block, but 11v at the headlight????? The wiring goes from the fuse block thru the switch and to the lights....nothing else in line. all connections are good. The plan is to put in a 48-12 step down converter in front of the fuse block to relieve strain on the 2 batterys. My question is am I missing something on this club car? I have always had EZGOs and this one has me puzzled. Oh yea.... Pack voltage at rest is close to 52v, and all batterys at rest were close to 9v, they were all within .03v of each other.