New to this forum and appreciate the information that I've already received. I have a 2013 Club Car Precedent with a Club Car Power Drive 3 charger. My problem is that the charger will click on when it's plugged into the cart but does not charge. My batteries currently show 49.2 across the pack and I leave the charger plugged in when the cart isn't in use. I plugged another charger into my cart with the same results, no charge. I've attempted reset on the obc with negative results so I'm thinking it's the obc. I have to add that I've always had EZ-GO carts and was pretty good at fixing problems with them but I was talked into this Precedent by a brother and I have no clue what the heck I'm doing with it. I'm not really even sure where the obc is located. Any help would be appreciated. Otherwise I may be in search of an ezgo...